Well I Never


How To Improve Health And Beauty

‘Wellness’ is one of those wonderful umbrella terms, that just by uttering it immediately makes you feel more virtuous, even if all you’ve achieved is just saying the word. There’s a part of me that wants to lump it in with the ‘living your best life’ catchphrase, but I’m trying hard not to see it as an ever so slightly smug way of telling the world you eat chia seeds, and is in fact simply a more holistic approach to bringing the best out of your body physically and emotionally.

With this in mind, wellness is something that’s been on my mental to-dos for quite some time, and if there was ever a moment to try and establish some good routines that can be carried on afterwards, this is it. From an endless arena of options, I’ve picked the following to top my list of achievable ‘go on and give it a go.’

 Facial Yoga

So, first things first, facial yoga. In an age of options, this one definitely requires a dash of dedication and a dollop of patience. Anti-ageing facial exercises aim to strengthen and tone different muscle groups in the neck and face; this encourages blood circulation, which allows more oxygen and nourishment to reach the skin. The exercises should also promote collagen and elastin production – the overall result: at the least a glowing complexion, at best smoother, tighter looking skin. Consistency is key, and there are options depending on which area you want to work. While devotees recommend exercising for 20 minutes, six times a week, if you want to target just one zone such as eyes, you could be looking at as little as six minutes per day. Results may be noticed after a number of weeks, but you probably need to give this at least four to six months. However, with no costs involved, and as something that can be done from the comfort of your own home, the only risk involved is that while carrying out the exercise you look like an absolute goon. There are a multitude of experts offering online tuition – so get googling. 

Body Brushing

If you have been fighting the good fight against those little dimples and a smattering of cellulite that may have crept onto your legs and bum, then the body brush might be your new best friend. Simple but effective, a couple of minutes out of your day on dry skin before you hit the shower is all it takes to get this show on the road. On the most basic level a gentle brush will remove dead skin cells, and stimulate blood flow, which will automatically make your skin appear plumper and reduce the appearance of cellulite. In addition, the removal of these cells will make your skin more receptive to the moisturiser you may apply. The next level benefit is the promotion of the lymph, which helps the body to metabolise toxins more effectively. This then discourages fluid retention and cellulite. Yippee. But wait, there’s more. The stimulation of the lymphatic system can actually help strengthen the immune system, which with a bit of luck will give overall better health. There is a technique, so it’s worth looking into, but other than basic instruction, the only tool you need to get started is a body brush.


And finally, the oldie but goldie. I bet we would all be less worried about the financial crash if we each had a dollar for every time one of our friends had told us that during lock down, they planned to master meditation. Undoubtedly meditation positively impacts mental, and therefore physical health. And whereas once it may have conjured up images of being holed up in a retreat drinking bone broth and flirting with haemorrhoids after days of sitting on cold floors whilst being told to visualise an apple, thankfully in today’s world it has been broken down for us by a multitude of very good apps. These apps are hugely popular because they work – headspace seems to be one that is tried and tested, and if you are someone that has issues with sleep, anxiety, panic, to name but a few, it will not be time wasted to explore the options out there.