Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow


When enough is enough it’s time take action

After I had quickly plucked my eyebrows yesterday, I look a step back and made a mental note never to attempt this job again without first putting in my contact lenses. Extreme short-sightedness and tweezers, it seems, do not make a great combination.

Hair removal at a time when you have no access to your trusted beauty therapist is something of a minefield. I’m sure I’m not the first of us to wonder which jobs I should attempt to tackle at home, and which are best left - in whichever form – for the professionals, whenever it may be that we finally meet again.

Having conferred with a trusted therapist, this is the advice that she offers regarding at home hair removal.

1.     Bikini Line

If you usually wax your bikini line, then do not be tempted to shave or to use hair removal cream. You will inevitably be left with an itchy scratchy mess. If you want to attempt to neaten up the area, then first ensure the hairs are at least 5mm long, then shop for a hot home wax (usually heated in the microwave) rather than wax strips. This is because with strips you’re more inclined to get breakages, whereas hot wax will grip the shorter courser hairs better. Follow the directions of the brand you have purchased carefully and remember always temperature test if heating is required. Before you start it’s best to clean the skin by using a light alcohol wipe or sanitiser (pick something that’s specifically for the skin). Then brush the area with a little layer of corn starch powder or talc-like powder. When these pre-steps are complete, apply the wax; go against hair growth, and stretch the skin really well before you remove (this stretching helps avoid bruising). Take a deep breath, pull the wax off quickly - and voila! Depending on how sensitive your skin is, it’s possible to wax over the same area a second time, but remember to re-apply the corn starch or talc substitute before doing so. And any stragglers can easily be tweezed. Once you’ve finished, follow up with a nice high quality after sun cream, or a cold compress of clean tissue with aloe Vera gel to take inflammation down straight away. If it’s not perfect then don’t stress – there’s a reason you have to train to be a beauty therapist, and the art of immaculate waxing is one of them!

Pre waxing advice – to alleviate the pain a little, avoid caffeinated drinks 1-2 hours prior to waxing, and should you require you can always take a paracetamol (not aspirin as this makes you bleed more if you get a little blood spotting).

Post waxing aftercare – avoid touching the area as the follicles are open, so you want to prevent infection. Remember this means no hot bath or shower, spa or swimming.

2.     Legs

Strip wax is fine for the legs ideally the hairs should always be at least 5mm long for successful results. As with hot wax, sanitise the area and apply a light powder. With strips you need to really press them down, then rub gently to help the hairs adhere to wax.

3.     Facial Hair

If you feel that your tash has become untenable and you want to try home removal, then you must purchase specific facial wax. Other than this important detail the principles are the same as for your bikini line. If you’re worried about waxing this sensitive (and let’s face it, visible) area, then you could try a facial hair removal cream or even just tweeze out the main offenders, and leave the rest until they can be seen by a professional.

 4.     Eyebrows

If you’ve been getting these done professionally, then just follow the same template of your beauty therapist to maintain the same line.