Don't Forget The Hunny


I recently had my extremely poor hosting skills highlighted. Friends popped in for a cup of tea, and yet arrived at my house bearing wonderful gifts - one presented me with beautiful flowers, the other a stunning scented candle (I know –A-grade friends). Unfortunately, this simply served to showcase my utter lack of etiquette, as I could barely muster milk to put in the tea. Luckily I managed to claw back a little kudos with a packet of Jaffa cakes, I mean who doesn’t love a good old fashioned highly processed biscuit that comes disguised as a cake.

Anyway, in the aftermath, determined not to be caught with my hostess knickers down again, it joggled me into digging out one of my ‘quick fix’ no bake recipes. This little gem can be basically whipped up in five minutes flat, and with no exotic ingredients. Meet the joy ball (bliss is a stretch, but I think they’re pretty good).

½ cup sunflower seeds

½ cup pumpkin seeds

½ cup rolled oats (be generous, shake a few extra in)

2 tablespoons tahini

3 tablespoons honey

Blend the seeds and oats together in a food processor – or just whizz in a blender if you’re lazy (me). Put into a bowl and add the tahini, mix well until it sticks together, but try not to leave any lumps of tahini. Add the honey and mix – you may need to get your hands in the bowl. Form into small balls, then roll in a ‘dusting’ of your choice – coconut or sesame seeds work well. Then voila – serve!